Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day | 2nd Capacity-building Hub

Friday 6 December 2019

What happened during Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day?

Skype recording of the day

Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days are designed to bridge capacity-building gaps in the production and translation of relevant knowledge into climate action at national and sub-national levels. The Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day in the 2nd Capacity-building Hub is the latest in an event series that the PCCB initiated during the Regional Climate Weeks under the same title.

Through the exchange of context-driven experiences and knowledge, Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days strengthen the engagement of universities and research institutions in building capacity for the preparation and implementation of national adaptation plans (NAPs) and nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Diversity, participation, and partnership are guiding forces in the conduct of these days.

Programme Overview

Research-based collaborations for capacity building, involvement of private sector in capacity-building for climate action, translation of indigenous knowledge to action, and examples of capacity-building for bridging the gap between knowledge and action in the context of climate change were among the highlights of the day.


The Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day in the 2nd Capacity-building Hub is designed to, among other topics, touch upon:

  • Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days key messages and next steps
  • Research-based collaboration and capacity building
  • Universities and research institutions Roundtable
  • Local and Indigenous Knowledge to Climate Action
  • The role of private sector in building capacities and translating knowledge into climate action
  • Capacity-building Knowledge to Action: Lessons learned from practice

All interested individuals and organizations were welcome to join the debate and contribute to the discussion!


The purpose of Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day is to shed light on ongoing and potential collaborations at regional, national and subnational levels that aim at bringing together the knowledge and experience of various actors in developing countries in the design and implementation of national climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. Some of the key objectives of the sessions were:

  • Showcase ongoing research-based collaboration between universities and research institutions and other relevant stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of NAPs and NDCs
  • Share cases and methods of harnessing different knowledge systems (e.g. formal and non-formal education; indigenous knowledge, skills and practices) towards actions to address the climate crisis
  • Exchanging knowledge and experience in identifying technical, institutional, and human capacity gaps and needs at local, national, regional, and international levels for enhancing climate capacities in developing countries

The transformation of knowledge to climate action through South-South and South-North exchanges and co-operations is critical to operationalize effective projects and secure lasting impacts.  The gathering of different stakeholders in the Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day is also a fortunate occasion to foster effective partnerships, and further collaboration for mainstreaming climate research into the process of policy-making.


Lead Partners  



Target Audience

All those involved in the knowledge generation on one hand and in knowledge consumption in decision-making process on the other; universities and research institutions, Party representatives, representatives from IGOs, regional institutions and centers, Civil Society Organizations, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, government representatives, and private sector actors.

Hosted by the PCCB, and led by theIDRC and the UNU-EHS, the 2nd Capacity-building Hub Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day provided a platform for different stakeholders to share knowledge and exchange experiences through interactive panel discussions and forums:

  • Exchanging knowledge on available and demanded analytical/modelling tools for harnessing climate data and research at different levels
  • Exploring lessons learned from and recommendations for multi-stakeholder collaborations on climate mitigation, adaptation and knowledge management
  • Increased capacities of participants on mainstreaming gender issues and indigenous knowledge in the design of climate policies and projects
Time Topic  Organizer Speaker(s)
Opening remarks
  • Jeniffer Hanna, PCCB member
9:00 – 11:00
Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days: key messages and next steps
  • Walter Ubal, Senior Program Specialist, IDRC
  • Daniel Morchain, Associate Resilience Program, NAP Global Network
  • Mozaharul Alam, Regional Coordinator, UNEP Climate Change Sub-programme
  • Robert  Bradley, NDC Partnership
  • Emmanuel Cheo, Associate Academic Officer, UNU-EHS
  • Philip Osano, Programme Director, Natural Resources and Ecosystems, SEI
  • Mallory Bellairs, Environment and Development Policy Section, UNESCAP
Concept Note .
Showcasing research-based collaboration & capacity-building design for climate action
  • Solhanlle Bonilla, INTEC
  • Carol Franco, Virginia Tech
  • Sara Gonzalez, INTEC
  • Stella Schons, Virginia Tech
  • Jose Carlos Fernandez, INTEC
  • Alexandra Moreira, ACTO
  • Luis Marcelo Tavares, UFLA
● Remote sensing, Forest Biometrics and Economics to Understand and Tackle Land Use and Land Cover Change in Brazil (UFLA-VT TECH) .
● The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization .
Local and Indigenous Knowledge to Climate Action
DGM Global Executing Agency  | ECOJESUIT
  • Peter William Walpole, Director of Research at the Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change, Philippines
  • Eugenio Roberto Cadiz, Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines
● Local and Indigenous Knowledge to Climate Action (DGM Global, Ecojesuit) .
Mobilizing research institutions & universities for climate action
  • Lisa Bornstein, Mac Gill University
  • Andrea Carrion Hurtado, Project coordinator, FLACSO Ecuador
  • Holmes Páez-Martínez
  • Eduardo Noboa, GIZ/GFA
  • Mercedes Medina, CARE
  • Anthony Boris Boanada-Fuchs, St.Gallen Institute of Management in Latin America (GIMLA)
● Guatemalan Interuniversity Platform for Disaster Risk Management .
● Equity & Growth: in light of the climate crisis - Engaging Research In Policy Making .
● Análisis Del Enfoque De Género Desde La Perspectiva De Justicia Climática En América Latina .
● Reinforcing Bottom up Initiatives for Climate Change Adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean .
● Mainstreaming the gender approach for climate action and capacity building in postgraduate programs .
● Capacity building and Applied Research .
Capacity-building & private sector: working together for climate action!
  • Rodrigo Salgado, President, Animal Karma Foundation
  • Christian Patrickson
  • Carla Seguel
● Private sector engagement in capacity-building activities for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean region .
● Preliminary mapping study: Capacity-building Needs and Gaps in the Private Sector to Implement the Paris Agreement Goals in the Latin American and Caribbean Region (LAC) .
Capacity-building Knowledge to Action: Lessons learned from practice
  • Agnes Kijazi, Director of Tanzania Meteorological Agency and Third vice-president of WMO
  • Carlos Fuller, Coordinator- Caribbean Climate Change Community (CCCC) and former chairman of SBSTA
  • Kirit Shantilal Parikh, Chairman IRADe, Former Member Planning Commission, Government of India
  • Jyoti Kirit Parikh, I Executive Director IRADe, Former Member Prime Minister's Advisory council on Climate Change
  • Probal Pratap Ghosh, Head Modeler, IRADe
  • Maciej Cygler, Chief expert at the National Centre for Emissions Management, Poland
  • Robert Jeszke, Head of the Strategy, Analyses and Auction Unit at the National Centre for Emissions Management, Poland
Concept note.
● Implementation of the National Framework for Climate Services in Tanzania (WMO) .
● Mobilizing Mitigation / Adaptation Action at Sub National Level (IRADe) .
● Building the system approach to creating and addressing knowledge for the climate policy implementation (CAKE) .
Daily wrap-up

